Sunday, May 1, 2011

The UPS Man

Many people don't like to drive trucks up our is a quarter of a mile long up a side of the mountain at a 53% upward grade.

Fortunately, I became friends with my UPS man...all it took was actually meeting him one time at the bottom of the hill, talking with him..and finally sharing a cupcake with him to get him to deliver packages to our door (yeah, the front door....up the hill...isn't it marvelous?)

This is one of my favorite packages to receive...see who it's from?

Kimberly at the Fat Quarter Shop!  I love getting her my Momma would have said, in her best Southern twange, "it's the best thing since sliced bread!"

Many of my local quilt shops have gone out of business due to ObamaEconomics...thus, I have become somewhat internet savvy in ordering fabrics.  And, I must admit, the Fat Quarter Shop is one of my favorites when it comes to fabric...consistently carries the newest fabrics, ships quickly and accurately, and always available for questions. Plus the store has a WISH which I must admit is quite extensive in my case.

Thank you for always taking care of is most appreciated!

p.s.: this is my own personal opinion, based on my experiences during the past two years (or maybe longer).

p.p.s: My husband has told me I can order what I want, within reason, as it is much cheaper than paying a shrink...isn't that great news? LOL

1 comment:

Staci said...

I love FQS, too. Been ordering from them for about 7 years? Something like that. Only once have they made a mistake on my order, and it only took a phone call for it to be make right.