I joined up for the
Postage Stamp Quilt Along a few months ago...and, of course, I didn't finish on time. However, I am determined not to let this become a WIP (Work in Progress) staying on my shelf forever and ever, finally hiding in the big black cabinet so I can't feel guilty about not finished it. I keep on telling myself it can't be enjoyed, it's warmth and friendship appreciated and loved if it's not here I am, determined to finish, no matter how many weeks behind I am and the fact that the quilt along is long finished....
So to continue:
Step 2: LegWork
To remember, I had started Step #2, finishing the first set of strip sets. However, as I didn't properly read the directions (I know, I know), I was short a few strips to complete the second set of strips. They arrived a few weeks back, but life's been busy.
Due to my recent "separation" from my place of employment, I have plenty of time on my hands lately. I've taken the past week just to de-stress and try to figure out what I want to do...what makes me happy. One of the things I figured out is that I need to go back to quilting....I miss the fabrics, I miss the colors, I miss the friendship, and I miss the feeling of sharing a completed quillt with someone who will give it a good home.
I started yesterday..not that much, but I did finish the second set of strips:
I still love the colors...bright and happy...that's what I need right now.
Step #2: Legwork is complete! YEAH!
Step #3: Patchwork
Rachel's directions tell you to take all those little stripsets you created in Step #2 and cut them into
2-1/2" strips...ok, easy peasy as she say, but my head is screaming,
"you wanted me to sew all those things together and now we're supposed to cut them up? What ever are you thinking woman?"
I have to trust Rachel, I have to trust Rachel, I have to trust Rachel...Rachel told me she had my back and it would be easy peasy...I have to trust Rachel.
So I cut all of those beautifully pieced stripsets into 2-1/2" segments as directed:
Rachel's next instructions: sew all these lovely little 2-1/2 segments you justs created into blocks, alternating stripset #1 and #2...FOURTY-EIGHT BLOCKS in total...making those blocks until the cows come home.
Rachel, did you know the cows were behind the house yesterday? Hopefully the dogs told them to stay away for a few more days so I have plenty of time to get these done...but wait, Jay's in Chile for the week and I've been separated from employment. I can do whatever I want to do as long as he has a house to come home to with fresh sheets and dogs that are in good health. I should have plenty of time to get these done in the upcoming days.
So now I'm sitting with two bags of stripsets in front of me with my little bin of applique pins so I can pin the seams together correctly before sewing them together...and I may or may not be watching the Real Housewives of Orange County while doing so...
PS: if you want to join in on the fun with me...or just want a great's the link to Rachel's blog: Take a monent to look around, enjoying her quilts and great recipes.