Thursday, September 8, 2011

Late Night Ebay Shopping Again....

That little habit I have....

The one when I can't sleep....

LNES...Late Night Ebay Shopping....

And I scored again....

A original tan featherweight case for my beauty.  She came with a reproduction black case, which I'd hoped to find an original eventually.

Well, eventuallly is here....and it's MINE!

Don't you think my featherweight will be glad?

1 comment:

Kd Brown said...

Toni, this is so fantastic! Your featherweight will now feel right at home in the correct color box. Haha! I have a celery featherweight, although I haven't used it for a long time. Thankfully, they keep! I'm your newest follower #14, WeimerMom, and your new friend on Facebook. Please follow me on my blog, too. ~Kd