Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Leftovers

No more cookies jars full of more bowls of ribbon candy sitting on the counter ...the holidays are over...the daughter has gone back to is back to a normal pace...somewhat.

I don't know about you, but I always seem to forget to put a few decorations and find them a week or two later. This year I forgot to "deChristmastise" the downstairs bathroom, leaving a moose and Santa to be scrunched into the boxes already packed away.

But this guy...the new nutcracker...he is permanently staying out, standing tall and proud with the fathers' flags from military service.

He's pretty cute, isn't he?


Jennifer Thomas said...

Love the new nutcracker. I'm so thankful for all who serve. AS for Christmas decor still out...I'm sure I'll be finding ornaments all year. My 2 year old undecorated the bottom half of the tree & hid them all through the house! Have a super day!

waggonswest said...

I like the soldier too. He is a good reminder to be grateful for those who serve. Spud 3 collects nutcrackers at Christmas time, but they stay out all year round. He won't even take the wallies or wreath off his bedroom door!