Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hook and Needles: No More "That Girl" with the Plastic Bags

I brought my yarn and crochet hook in the plastic bag the yarn store put it in when I purchased it.

Walking in the room for Crochet School I noticed...
   I was the only one there with their yarn and hook....

I was so embarrassed!  Everyone had these nice, fancy bags....
 Granted they were seasoned knitters...
 And had been using yarn for quite a while.

I vowed I would have a nice bag the next time I walked into that room...and that will be this Friday.

Not only did I complete a bag with lots of pockets, even one with a zipper... but I also crocheted a purse!
  Basic brown with a beautiful pink floral pretty!

Just need to do a crochet hook carrier before Friday...a pretty, fancy one...brown too!  But no more pretty pink floral fabric...I'll just have to use something else.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Looks perfect to me. I have a church group that I go to called Busy needles. We knit, crochet, quilt, sew - whatever is needed. I take my project in a plastic bag. Just wanted you to know you were not alone and I'm a seasoned knitter/crocheter and a so-so quilter and sewer. Love your work!!!!